
Public Notices

There is no public notice at the moment.

Community Newsletter

Services for the Citizens

Dog Control Service

The Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission was recently given the responsibility for the dog control service. This service includes, among other things, the enforcement of regulations, the picking of stray dogs and their care. The service may vary depending on municipality because of the different regulations in force. We encourage you to be familiar with the dog control regulations in your community.

More information on the Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission website.


Dog Pound - Ville de Caraquet

The engineering department is responsible for new construction, painting of road lines, street lighting, land surveying and mapping, infrastructure planning, buildings, inspections, paving, heating, electricity, and sidewalks.

Engineering - Town of Caraquet
Fire Department

Since 2004, the firefighters of the Town of Caraquet and the Village of Bas-Caraquet have merged their brigades to maximize the efficiency of the services offered to the population and to share equipment. The fire station is located directly on St-Pierre Boulevard, at the very heart of the main street.


Luc Dugas
Fire chief
(506) 726-2686

Public Works

The Public Works team of the Town of Caraquet offers a range of services, like snow removal as well as the construction and maintenance of water and sanitation networks. In addition to these responsibilities, the team is responsible for the maintenance of fire hydrants, the mechanical inspection of equipment, streets sweeping, the maintenance of storm sewers, and the cleaning of green spaces.

To contact the Public Works tems dial: (506) 726-2677

Public Works - Ville de Caraquet
Security and Public Safety

Caraquet is a very safe city thanks to the services of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, a fire department provided by volunteer firefighters, a system of emergency measures organization, and the 911 services.

Security and Public Safety - Ville de Caraquet
Urban Planning

Urban planning in the Acadian Peninsula is governed by the Urban Planning Department of the The Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission. You will find on their website a lot of information concerning the City of Caraquet.

Waste Managements and Recycling

The household waste collection takes place every 2 weeks on Tuesday. It is done alternately with the collection of recyclable materials (blue bin). If the garbage is not picked up on statutory holidays, it will be picked up the next business day.

For more information, please visit the Acadian Peninsula Regional Service Commission website.

Christmas and New Year's Garbage collection: If the collection coincides with Christmas Day or New Year's Day, it will be the day before.

Christmas tree collection: You must bring your Christmas tree to the fenced yard at the back of the Industrial Complex located at 27 Industriel Blvd.

Hazardous Waste Collection: There is no hazardous waste collection this year.




Waste Managements and Recycling - Ville de Caraquet
Water and Sewer

Water and sewer service services include control of water sources and pumping stations, water system cleaning, sludge treatment center, water testing and quality control, the lagoon and its wastewater treatment plant.

There are 5 ways to pay your water and sewer wastewater bill:

  1. Online on the Service New Brunswick website;
  2. At the administration office of the Town Hall of Caraquet located at 10, rue du Colisée;
  3. Service New Brunswick office located at 127 Saint-Pierre Boulevard West;
  4. At UNI (organization number 30010) and AccèsD;
  5. Direct withdrawal: You can pay your bill in the form of monthly payments withdrawn directly from your account at UNI or the bank.

If you have any questions about your bill or payment methods, do not hesitate to contact the Town of Caraquet at 506 726-2727.

Water and Sewer - Ville de Caraquet


30 Industriel Blvd.

The Town of Caraquet wants to eliminate clandestine dumps in forested areas and help citizens to get rid of bulky materials locally without having to wait for regular collection.

This service is strictly for the use of Caraquet citizens for waste generated in the context of domestic and non-profit activities.

Contractors carrying out renovations must rent containers for this purpose or transport their waste to the Waste Treatment Center in Tracadie.



  • Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Sunday: closed

The écocentre is close until may

Settle In Caraquet

Caraquet is the ideal city to welcome young families because of its dynamism, employment and business creation opportunities, sports and recreation programming, infrastructures, and early childhood services. The Club plein air's team is full of good ideas, and well-being and quality time are an integral part of their planning.

Caraquet is also the city that will appeal to retired people with its many maritime activities, cultural programming, opportunities to integrate by volunteering, lands with sea views and green spaces that are stimulating and relaxing at the same time.

With its industrial park, the prosperity of its businesses that will require new people to take over, the opportunity for economic growth and the partnerships that can be created in the region, Caraquet will draw the attention of those who have the entrepreneurial spirit.

To settle in Caraquet, it is to choose a quality life in a diversified and stimulating environment. It is choosing the welcome of a community, the open-mindedness of the people, the conviviality of entrepreneurs, and it is contributing to the city's blossoming by adding your own touch, culture, and colors.



Caraquet offers the possibility of complete quality education with:

  • Marguerite-Bourgeoys elementary school;
  • Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux high school;
  • Acadian Peninsula New Brunswick Community College (School of Fisheries, Adult Education);
  • a public library;
  • a conservatory of music;
  • various art schools;
  • a university campus located in Shippagan (30 km).

Health Services

Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus RHSJ†
1 Blvd Saint-Pierre West, Caraquet
Phone: 506 726-2100

Visite website

Les bons contacts

Art et culture

Art et culture
Bibliothèque publique Mgr-Paquet
10, rue du Colisée, Caraquet
506 726-2681
Carrefour de la Mer
29, Avenue du Carrefour, Caraquet
506 727-5001
Centre Culturel de Caraquet
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-5001
324, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-4417
Cinéma du Centre
220, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-3456
506 727-4605
CKRO-MF 97,1
506 336-9706
Commission culturelle
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-5001
Congé de mars
39 boul. St-Pierre Ouest
(506) 727-1597
Conservatoire de musique de l'Acadie
Martine Thériault
506 727-3710
Distillerie Fils du Roy
599, ch. Principal, Petit-Paquetville
506 764-2046
Festival acadien de Caraquet
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Bureau 312, Caraquet
506 727-2787
Festival d'la peur
Mario Landry
39, boul. St-Pierre Ouest
506 727-1597
Festival de musique
Louise Roy
506 727-3947
Festival des arts visuels en Atlantique
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Bureau 311, Caraquet
506 727-7726
Barbara Lanteigne
39-1, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest
506 252-1351
Fondation culturelle acadienne
Caraquet (N.-B.)
506 727-2666
Gala de la chanson de Caraquet
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Bureau 312, Caraquet
506 727-2787
Galerie Boulev'Art
39, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-2931
Galerie d'art Bernard-Jean
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-5000
Galerie sous les arbres
Conrad Légère
6, rue Bourgeois, Caraquet
506 727-4332
L'Acadie Nouvelle
476, boul. St-Pierre Ouest
506 727-4444
L'Aquarium et Centre Marin à Shippagan
100, rue de l'Aquarium, Shippagan
506 336-3013
L'Éco-Musée de l'huître
675, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-3226
La Route des Papillons
Le rendez-vous de la fierté Acadie Love
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-5001
Musée Acadien
15, boul. St-Pierre Est, Caraquet
506 727-2682
Musée des cultures fondatrices
184, rue Acadie, Grande-Anse
506 732-3003
Parc écologique de la Péninsule acadienne
65, rue du Ruisseau, Lamèque
506 344-3223
Quai des artistes
51, boul. St-Pierre Est, Caraquet
506 727-3277
Sanctuaire Sainte-Anne-du-Bocage
579, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-5640
Société culturelle Centr'Art
Ghislaine Foulem
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, local 310
506 727-3277
Société Radio-Canada
42, boul. St-Pierre Ouest
506 727-5852
Théâtre populaire d'Acadie
220, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, bureau 302
506 727-0920
Village Historique Acadien
5, rue du Pont, Bertrand
1 877 721-2200


Kassim Doumbia
196, avenue Hôtel-de-Ville, Shippagan, NB
506 336-8888
Chambre de commerce et du tourisme du Grand Caraquet
Éric Normandeau
C. P. 5570, Caraquet
506 727-2931
Chevaliers de Colomb
Clarence Savoie - Grand Chevalier
506 727-5642
Léo-Paul Pinet et Jacques Dugas
506 727-7996
Club du Bel-Âge
Yvon Thériault
331, boul. St-Pierre Est, Caraquet, E1W 1B4
506 727-0017 ou 727-2677
Club Richelieu de Caraquet
Bernard Thériault
C. P. 5756, Caraquet
506 727-5464
Comité d'entraide
Muriel Comeau
506 727-8254
Comité de la bibliothèque publique MGR-Paquet
Liette Thériault
10, rue du Colisée, Caraquet
506 727-6789
Comité de sauvegarde du patrimoine
Aline Landry, agente du patrimoine
C.P. 5695, Caraquet
506 726-2727
Comité du cimetière
Joseph Rail
213, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-2728
Comité du port
Daniel Landry
26, rue du Quai, Caraquet
506 727-6145
Comité vert
Lorraine Paulin
506 727-4095
Coopérative jeunesse de services
Michel Rail
506 724-0660
Corporation Centre-ville Caraquet
Mario Landry
C.P. 5570, Caraquet
506 727-1517
Dames d'Acadie de Caraquet
Jeannine Haché
506 727-3225
Échec au crime
Marie-Jeanne Godin
80A, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-5713
Ghislaine Foulem
506 727-2666
Légion royale canadienne
Armel Lanteigne
C.P. 5754, Caraquet
506 727-5569
Les amis(es) du musée
Clarence Lebreton
15, boul. St-Pierre Est, Caraquet
Les filles d'Isabelle
Alda Prince
506 727-5866
Marché régional de Caraquet
Mylène Thériault
C. P. 5695 / 10, rue du Colisée, Caraquet
506 726-3877
Patrimoine Caraquet Inc.
Adelbert Dugas
506 727-4423
Université du 3e âge
506 727-5216


Bibliothèque publique Mgr-Paquet
10, rue du Colisée
506 726-2681
Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick campus de la Péninsule Acadienne
9, boul. St-Pierre Est
506 726-2500
École Marguerite-Bourgeoys
Chantal Boucher
238, rue Marguerite-Bourgeoys
506 727-7040
Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux
Robert Roy Boudreau
30, rue Cormier, Caraquet
506 727-7039


Mireille Savoie
1, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
Clinique d'Optométrie Drs Thibodeau et Lanteigne
40, rue du Portage, Caraquet
506 727-2262
Clinique de Denturologie Bertin Lanteigne
94, rue du Portage, Caraquet
506 727-9006
Clinique de Massothérapie & Naturothérapie
22, rue du Portage, Caraquet
506 727-6161
Clinique Dentaire Dre Sophie Gosselin
270, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-5511
Clinique Dentaire Nadine Lanteigne
86, rue du Portage, Caraquet
506 727-4467
Comité de bienfaisance - Hôpital
Lise Gauthier
1, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-2345
Dr Bruno Selosse
25, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-3332
Dr Jacques Mallet
2, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-6591
Dr Jean LeBlanc
25, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-2299
Dr Martin Boudreau et Dre Vien Tran Fortin, Optométriste
142, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-7218
Fondation de l'hôpital
Normand Mourant
1, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-2166
Léger Consultante, Psychothérapeute
111, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-6394
Marie-Ève Massothérapie
37, boul. Saint Pierre Est, Caraquet
506 724-0183
Massothérapie Véronique Gionet
7, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 720-0303
Nadia LaCroix Acupuncture
Nadia LaCroix
258 boul. St-Pierre Ouest
506 727-5119
Physio Renaissance
158, rue Blanchard Est, Caraquet
506 727-7457
Physiothérapie Caraquet Enrg.
Pierre Boudreau
25, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-5119
Polyclinique Isabelle-sur-mer
8224, rue Saint-Paul à Bas-Caraquet
506 727-7549
Relais pour la vie
David Blanchard, président
506 726-4208
Résidence St-Pierre
Marc-André Boudreau
443 Boul. St-Pierre Ouest
506 727-5544
Résidences Noël Enrg
11, rue Gionet
506 727-0114
Villa Beauséjour
C.P. 5608, Caraquet
506 726-2744

Sports et loisirs

Sports et loisirs
Activités de la Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux
Émélie Ouellet Albert
30, rue Cormier C.P. 5751, Caraquet
506 727-7039
Association du Baseball mineur
Camille Gionet
506 726-7857
Association du Hockey mineur de Caraquet
Camille Gionet
506 726-7857
Badminton Polyvalente Louis-Mailloux
C.P. 5751, Caraquet
506 727-7039
Cadets de la Marine
Élide Chiasson
50, rue du colisée, Caraquet
506 727-4595
Club de baseball Sénior de Caraquet
506 726-2727
Club de golf de Pokemouche
161, rue du Golf, Landry Office
506 727- 3577
Club de motoneige Nord Est Inc.
Ronald Lanteigne
506 727-3190
Club de tennis
318A, boul. St-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 727-3533
Club Jukai-Ryu (Jiu Jitsu)
662, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest, Caraquet
506 726-9425
Club plein air de Caraquet
52, rue du Colisée, Caraquet
506 726-2684
Club V.T.T. Acadien
Yvon Duguay
506 727-7863
Colisée Léopold-Foulem
20, rue du Colisée
506 726-2683
École de Hockey acadie-chaleur
Claude Lagacé
205, rue Blanchard, Caraquet
506 727-3743
École Méa de karaté TSURUOKA
506 727-8057
GYM Nautilus
5, rue Neptune
506 727-7777
Hockey interscolaire- Féminin
François Ferguson
20, rue du colisée, Caraquet
506 724-2529
Hockey interscolaire- masculin
Josiane Lambert
20, rue du colisée, Caraquet
506 724-0719
Patinage de vitesse
20, rue du Colisée, Caraquet
Antonio McGraw
506 727-7532
Véloroute Péninsule Acadienne
Serge Dugas
506 336-3463